After Dark

Nora Aurrekoetxea
Patricia Orpilla

is an unfulfilled promise, a fantasy of what’s to come and what we cannot see. Beginning with works from artists Nora Aurrekoetxea and Patricia Orpilla the exhibition sees two different interpretations of a mood and a material, or despite it. Woven threads or strands of hair string together associations rather than explicit meanings, each artist playing with the obscuring power of abstraction and the magic of twilight.

Aurrekoetxea, a sculptor, explores the enigmatic shape of the wig with white resin sculptures. Connoting physical strength, knowledge, and sexuality; styled locks combine with a metal rod in ‘Pole’ to evoke a vision of a dancer in motion. While ‘Cascade,’ represents a parallel scene, viewed at ground level. With a poignant materiality these playful arrangements reveal the hidden power of ornament.

The wig-like headdresses are juxtaposed with works on paper, a suite of recent works by Orpilla– exhibiting for the first time in Poland. Printed ghosts of unseen fabrics combine with geometric figures and vivid atmospheres of color. Weft and warp, visible in collagraph prints, reveal the material while referencing the structure of language. Each composition tells a micro-story; the repeated motif of the circle referring to afterimages and the natural phenomenon of scattering light, which makes the sun most radiant at nightfall.

Shroud I (detail)

Patricia Orpilla

Collagraph on paper.

Curated by Sam Stevens and Aleksandra Wałaszek
Text, Sam Stevens
Photography, Aleksandra Wałaszek
Graphic Design, Aleksandra Wałaszek