The World is Out of Joint

Paweł Jarodzki
Krzysztof Wałaszek
Axel Gouala
Valentine Siboni
Sam Stevens
Iwona Ogrodzka
Valerie Schmidt
Joseph Tuzzolino

The World is Out of Joint is the second act of the project “Between the Ocean and the Sea”. A story that began with a story from the city of Breslau. Clara’s birthplace Immerwahr and her husband Fritz Haber. Tragic heroes, pacifists and patriots who were united and separated by science. The story of a couple from the present Wrocław, was intertwined with structural explorations rooted in Polish 90’s. Ogrodzka and Stevens moved us two months ago to the enchanted garden – the first act of this journey (exhibition “Garden: Haber”). As precursors of this four-act expedition, they remain present in its next installment below title: “The world has gone out of its orbit.” They are present not to “correct the wrongs of the world “dear”, as Hamlet tried to do in Iwaszkiewicz’s translation, but only in order to maintain the continuity of the direction in “Between ocean and sea.”

“The world has gone out of its orbit” opens with the work of Axel Gouala entitled: “Dresden Miami Beach”. The installation by a French artist, a child of two cultures, challenges our idea of an exotic place using wood, terry cloth, plastic and irony. Towel beach one with a print of a photo taken on the shores of Elba, not far from here, in Dresden, makes us believe for a moment that this is a memory of an “exotic” travel. However, the shadow forming the shape of a palm tree reveals three-dimensionality part of the installation – a candlestick with plastic leaves, displayed in its own right respect on the site. Gouala looks at society in his work subjected to obsessive tourism that is nothing other than simulacra. In search of the so-called exotic, we reproduce cultural stereotypes by creating places such as: Ocean Dome in Japan, or Tropical Islands near Berlin with computer controlled waves. The condition of modern society leaves much to be desired wishes. Hence, perhaps, a telling slogan appears in Paweł Jarodzki’s work “Everything was supposed to be different.” A painting by the ubiquitous Wrocław painter placed high above the line of sight, it leaves us in no doubt. Iconic a combination of skulls and palm trees in an imaginary frame with Hindu swastikas (Skt. literally “bringing good luck”) may signal considerable doubt about reality surrounding us. Nevertheless, we allow ourselves to believe – the existence of happy peace on a distant island. The view of the palm tree is definitely there calms down a large part of the affluent, cold society. The palm is like the palm of the hand, because its leaves unfold like fingers. A hand is like a hand (because however, the text is in Polish) raised upwards as a sign of triumph or greetings, this is the language of gestures. A tool of our everyday life. In the work of Berlin photographer Valerie Schmidt, she tames a piece of paper (“Dompteuse de Papier” / “Paper Slayer”). Recording the moments of her landing on the table, the artist creates sequences of pocket choreography. Card captured in the act between letting go and landing remains forever suspended in space, like a monumental sculpture. White page is also a synonym Antarctica in a poetic video by Valentine Siboni, referring to literature and videos about the South Pole. A continent temporarily occupied before traces will disappear, erased by wind, fog and rain. The first version of the work had its premiere during the 57th Venice Biennale at the exhibition “First Antarctic Pavilion. The artist’s lonely journey from Brussels to Venice became contribution to the creation of a video marking the trajectory of a woman traveler, reflecting on the human need to conquer and conquer in the name of honor, nation, illusion.

The looped image – a dreamlike correspondence with – also attracts with its magnetism Joseph Tuzzolino’s New York apartment. Video created in proportion 1080 × 1920 which is the popular dimensions of a mobile phone that is becoming a reference to contemporary exploration of the environment. Electronic device it is like a window to the world, a door to communication at any time and in any zone time. The melancholy statement of a man locked at home is described without words only using a piano cycle composed in 1888 by Erik Satie. Gymnopédies floods the space of the entire gallery, flowing around all of them works locked in it. Single elements in the Open Form Oleśnica are like atoms combining into one coherent compound. Stevens’ “Little Plate” is particles frozen in the gallery. The shape and their orientation relative to each other suggest consistency with room, connecting the floor with the ceiling, bottom with top. Wheel with wheel. Corresponding with a work by Krzysztof Wałaszek, located right at the entrance. Artist – a trickster playing with our trust in things that are friendly (at first glance eye). The plate, as we are talking about it, is a link reminding us of tradition initiated in the times of the Polish People’s Republic and borrowed from Portugal. The inconspicuous one the item is decorated with hand-painted emoticons and the information: “12 years old school education, 564 hours of religion more than biology lessons, chemistry and physics together.” AND it would only be worth adding that these are data from the Polish secular state.

Like the country, like the landscape. It’s gray all around, and winter is chilling divided societies, so dreams of long journeys pulsate in the minds of people craving warmth. The warmth of community, a warmth that will not result from subsequent crises, nor omissions. We are absorbed by the house from which we observe external changes. We are consumed by time, which deprives us of further plans, we are consumed by lack of tolerance, we are consumed by the language we use mindlessly when we call Indians indigenous the population of America, confusing the continents and their actual sizes, confusing the rivers with seas. Conquering the wastelands with no chance of survival, we enter the sharpened ones symbols into the body of the Earth, which has long lost patience with us. We still dream but about exotic journeys, distant holidays, summer camps with palm trees coconut and date, which we can’t tell the difference anyway. We dream of a break from from what surrounds us, from other people or maybe simply from ourselves? We are an archipelago of islands that will soon disappear from the face of the Earth.

Everything was supposed to be different (detail)

Paweł Jarodzki

Acrylic on Canvas

Curated by Aleksandra Wałaszek
Text, Aleksandra Wałaszek
Photography, Michał Gałczyński
Graphic Design, Aleksandra Wałaszek