What Blocks the Light

Neo Christopher Chung
Kamila Wolszczak

It passes through you without “thinking” — like light through a prism. A particle or a wave, flowing through the mind and transforming us in its wake. At the other side, out it goes.

Forma Otwarta Oleśnica is pleased to present the works of Neo Christopher Chung and Kamila Wolszczak. Two artists confront parallel notions of a world in flux. A duo show, What Blocks the Light explores the notion of deception and grime, accumulating uncontrollably. Physical matter becomes a vessel for the transmission of time. Decay as a process of nature, effected by imagination. While media is an opaque filter, creating a parallel reality that co-exists with our own.

Wolszczak’s work confronts disgust, contemplating nature through its by-products while prettying up the concept of “dirt.” This new body of work, You see things I imagined, expands the artist’s performance based oeuvre into a sculptural representation. Translucent materials contrast with collected artifacts, juxtaposing “cleanliness” with an encrusted patina. While the context of global germophobia informs the inclusion of single use gloves and the collection of natural specimens.

In ‘Conspiracy of Interference,’ the decay of transmission signals alludes to media deception in a multi-channel video installation. Chung’s work was first exhibited in 2020. “Analog media” becomes a metaphor for data systems suffering from the conditions of the physical world. The result is a distorted signal that re-creates our reality.

Conspiracy of Interference (detail)

Neo Christopher Chung

Video, CRT.

Curated by Sam Stevens
Text, Sam Stevens
Photography, Sam Stevens
Graphic Design, Sam Stevens